45-year-old man performs yoga while floating in water
45-year-old Gopal Chandra Adak of Jhalalsi village in West Bengals Howrah District has mastered the art of performing difficult yoga postures while floating in water for hours uninterruptedly.
Howrah, Sept 30 : 45-year-old Gopal Chandra Adak of Jhalalsi village in West Bengal's Howrah District has mastered the art of performing difficult yoga postures while floating in water for hours uninterruptedly.
A shopkeeper by profession, Adak began practicing yoga at the age of ten. With floods inundating his village frequently, he initially tried floating in water and later took to practicing difficult yogic postures.
"I have learnt this myself. I have taken this up due to health reasons. It was also an effort for survival amidst all that water. I tried different yogic postures. I practiced for a long time," Adak said.
The practice turned into a passion with time and Adak started performing yoga in water for hours in the pond next to his shop.
Over the time Adak mastered the art and can now perform most complex postures from 'Padmasan' to 'Gomukhasan' with perfection.
Residents have started anticipating that one day they might see Adak walking on water.
"I find it amazing that he can do yoga in water. I think a time will come when we will see him walking on water. This is truly amazing," said Nirmal Majhi, a resident.
Initially, his friends, children and other villagers mocked at Adak. But later villagers were mesmerized by Adak's awe-inspiring performances.
Today, the water yogi is content with the fact that he is well known in his village and even outside. But now wants that his fame should travel far and wide. He aims to enter the Guinness Book of World Records.
Adak has been reaping the benefits of practicing water yoga. He claims that he has had no health problems ever since he began practicing this difficult art.
The water yogi has become an inspiration for many people to take to water yoga as his efforts are attracting many into the fold of yoga.
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